I created this clan 1 week after Modern Warfare 2's release. But at that time it was just a clan tag [SiiK].I made a clan recruitment video on youtube, many was interested in joining.It was a amount of 15 people who joined the SiiK Clan. I was so happy that we made winning our first Clan battle :D
Then, I saw people with clan letters in the beginning of their gamertag so I decided to change my own GT.
Thats why my gamertag is now sK | RaPiiDZz. Then I recruited my two best friends. Their gamertags are: sK | BlackOuTZz & sK | WiZard (Has  changed it now to sK | MaGiiCZz). We recruit people who are willing to change their gamertags!

sK | RaPiiDZz
sK | MaGiiCZz
sK | DyNaMiiCZz
sK | BlacKOuTZz

We also take clan battle requests!
email me at:
[email protected]
